sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013

My childhood

 My childhood was pretty cool, playing in the street was St. John's little party in the backyard, playing elastic, dodgeball and every Sunday we were going to Igarape close to home. 'm really missing that time does not return.
But the best memory I have of my childhood was the last time I went to vacation in Bragança in 1993, it was magical.

Rosângela Santos Martins

3 comentários:

  1. That's Cool, when I was in my childhood I did things like that, but I had a videogame too. In the morning I played videogame and at night I went to meet my neighbors at street. (Anderson Corrêa)

  2. I spent most of my childhood reading and playing video games ... good times!

  3. When I was a child I just love it watched cartoons :3
